Lisa and Daniel celebrate 5 years at AYS

Access Your Supports values the contribution of every staff member and the individual strengths they bring to the team each day. Our culture is shaped to reflect the hard work and positive outcomes achieved for our NDIS participants. This week, we highlight two staff members recently reaching their 5-year milestone at Access Yours Supports. Their range of skills ensures our participants have choice and control and can achieve their goals. We caught up with them both to celebrate the milestone.


Daniel Stott (Support Coordination)

 “ Daniel is an absolute superstar. He didn’t come from the disability sector (originally a carpenter) and tirelessly trained and worked hard when AYS was just beginning to grow. He always had a hands-on approach and someone we all rely on. Daniel has witnessed the NDIS system evolve and continued to support participants and put their needs first. Congratulations Daniel. It’s been our absolute pleasure”

– Ralph Menchise – Director

Daniel sat down with the AYS marketing team to express what 5 years meant to him.

  1. What does it mean to you to hit 5 years with AYS?

“Despite the constantly changing landscape because of NDIS, providers coming and going,  I am still here trying to support positive change in our participants.”

  1. What’s your favourite part of working at AYS?

“The Team – my colleagues make all the difference. I have felt (especially with the Support Coordination Team) it’s an attitude of “we are all in this together”. Our focus is the participants and knowing you can reach out for advice from anyone and they will help if they can, or they will tell you who might be able to help, point you in the right direction.”

  1. Do you have a favourite memory of your time at AYS?

“I have a nonverbal participant that I have assisted transition for supported housing, into his own home and connected him with supports to successfully live independently for the past 2.5 years.”

  1. If you could give yourself advice on your first day, what would it be?

“It’s going to be an uphill battle. You are working within a system that creates hurdles for participants to access funding and needing to achieve their outcomes. You are dealing with the apathy from participants as a result of both their limitations as well as funding restrictions and there is never going to be enough time, but participants will make progress. They will continue moving forward and build their confidence. Within that, you will meet all kinds of people in all kinds of situations and it’ll help you gain perspective and resilience. Despite the challenges seeing them progress and succeed is what it is all about.”

Lisa Hamling (Assistant Director)

“ Lisa instantly found a connection with a small Access Your Supports team 5 years ago when there was less than 100 participants being supported. She brought her passion and instantly provided guidance to grow the organisation to what it has become today. I and the entire AYS team implicitly trust her direction to achieve better outcomes for our participants. She’s supportive and generous. I don’t think I would be able to achieve what I have since if Lisa hadn’t joined.”

– Ralph Menchise – Director

Lisa sat down with the AYS marketing team to express what 5 years meant to her.

 What does it mean to you to hit 5 years with AYS?

“I am honoured to work in an industry I’m so passionate about. So it’s a huge feeling for me!”

  1. What’s your favourite part of working at AYS?

“I wake up every morning and get butterflies and look forward to coming to work to help people. I feel as hard as the day can get, I always go home feeling that I’ve helped a family. Whether that’s supporting a new funding plan, or simply listening. I always tell my team to never underestimate what they’re doing. Thank you, Access Your Supports, for giving me my dream job.”

  1. Do you have a favourite memory of your time at AYS?

“When we first began the AYS journey, I remember dancing in the offices with Michael and Ralph to cheesy 80’s music… the best kind. Whether it was ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ or ‘Eye of Tiger’; we always knew how to have fun and work harder.”

  1. If you could give yourself advice on your first day, what would it be?

 “You will make a difference. Families will appreciate everything you do. Don’t ever underestimate what you’re doing”.

Congratulations Daniel and Lisa on 5 Years at Access Your Supports. 

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